How To Play Powerpc Games On Intel Mac

This emulator runs in PowerPC with Mac OS X. It emulated Commodore 64 but can only be used for Mac. It also has some restrictions in using until a full registration for its use will be made. This is a user-friendly emulator for Intel Macs that emulates the Commodore64. PC games: they can be the bane of a Mac gamer’s existence. The Mac may be a better computer than a windows box, but even so, most games don’t support OS X. If you still have a Mac running 10.4 Tiger, you might be able to run them using the Classic environment, but this will only work on a Mac with a PowerPC processor. You can’t run the Classic.

10.4: Fix PowerPC apps that fail to launch on Intel Macs | 23 comments | Create New Account
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10.4: Fix PowerPC apps that fail to launch on Intel Macs

I was having this exact problem with PPC apps (a few bounces and then nothing after working properly earlier), and I managed to get rid of it by uninstalling Unsanity's application enhancer. Of course, if you are having the problem and you don't have the APE, then my suggestion doesn't matter! :)

10.4: Fix PowerPC apps that fail to launch on Intel Macs

Not running UAE here on my new macbook pro 17 and I had this issue once with Filemaker Pro 5.5 (yeah we need to upgrade...). It happened on my second run of the app and I rebooted to solve it at that time as well. Luckily I haven't a repeat of the issue.

10.4: Fix PowerPC apps that fail to launch on Intel Macs

This has happened to me a couple times in the week since my MacBook arrived. But I've noticed that 1) it's only M$ Word that fails to open while Excel still seems fine; and 2) it started on the reboot after I ran Monolingual. So this hint would seem to make sense.

10.4: Fix PowerPC apps that fail to launch on Intel Macs

Same problem on a MacBook Pro 17
Entourage (sometime bouncing and not launching)
Flash 8 (crash at launch)
both are solved restarting the mac.
Anyone knows if it can be really to Application Enhancer ? (if I deactivated it , nothing change)

10.4: Fix PowerPC apps that fail to launch on Intel Macs
Thanks for the hint - I can't say I'm eager to try it out but I've put it in my Yojimbo hints file for when I need it. How To Play Powerpc Games On Intel Mac

This problem is annoying! About six weeks ago I bought a refurbed Mac mini knowing it was only a matter of time before I'd be getting a MacBook (of course we were guessing at the name back then) and that at least one of my labs at work would be replaced sometime this year. So I wanted experience with the Intel machines. In all the banging around I did on the mini I never once saw Rosetta fail like this.

The mini and my MacBook are configured exactly the same way - I have exactly the same software on both. But the second day I owned the MacBook I started having PPC programs failing to launch and rarer, right after launching would crash as soon as I attempted to interact with it. A restart always solved it—until it came back. Given that the mini and the MacBook architecture are so similar, I wonder why it happens on one but not the other? Is it isolated to MacBook owners?

10.4: Fix PowerPC apps that fail to launch on Intel Macs

I have had the same issues and can add Photoshop Elements to the list of Apps that fail to launch. Terminating 'translated' in the Activity Monitor fixes all. I too ran monlingual and run APE. Has everyone else who has this issue ran monlingual or are running APE? Interestingly my MacBook was set up via migration assistant from a MacBook Pro with exactly the same setup yet it does not suffer the same problems.

10.4: Fix PowerPC apps that fail to launch on Intel Macs

I've found Office V.X (Word, Excel) won't start on an Intel iMac (they crash) if you click on their application icon in the dock, but if you open a document they run fine.

Play Powerpc Games On Intel Mac

10.4: Fix PowerPC apps that fail to launch on Intel Macs

My iMac (Intel) doesn't have these issues with M$ (or any other PPC applications) yet.
Sorry for you, guys
(cross fingers)

10.4: Fix PowerPC apps that fail to launch on Intel Macs

I have been having similar problems with anything Adobe but primarily Photoshop CS2 and Photoelements 4. I beleive the issue is related to Unsanity but in discussion with one of their programmers, we can't identify the issue. Fruitmenu appears to be one component, because it seems to have more impact on no startup of adobe...whereas cleardock seems fine.
Killing the 'translated' process works well enough for me to keep using Photoshop and doesn't appear to have any damaging affect.
I'm surprised that there has not been more response in various forums.
What is tolerance? -- it is the consequence of humanity. We are all formed of frailty and error; let us pardon reciprocally each other's folly -- that is the fi

10.4: Fix PowerPC apps that fail to launch on Intel Macs

Running 10.4.7 on a white MacBook, I started having this problem with all the Rosetta apps I tried to use:
MS Word
Windows Media Player 9 (needed since Flip4Mac doesn't run at all yet)
a little Lacie backup application (SilverKeeper).
Killing 'translated' seems to have worked for all three. Thanks!

10.4: Fix PowerPC apps that fail to launch on Intel Macs

Killing 'translated' worked on my MacBook Pro. I am having the launching issue with Entourage and Quicken 2006.
I do have Windowshade installed and active (very hard to live without on a laptop).

10.4: Fix PowerPC apps that fail to launch on Intel Macs

How To Play Powerpc Games On Intel Macbook

This is excellent information and 'right-on' it seems to my problem. If I understand correctly, if a program (like Adobe Reader 7.0.8) does not start, then I can use the force-quit command and in there I will see a line-item called 'Translator' which I force quit; and then (without restarting) I can launch Adobe Reader. Is that correct?
Thanks for this feedback and any additional comments or web site references appreciated.
Steve Schulte 15 Sept 2006
Steve Schulte - MacBook OX 10.4.7 PBG4 10.3.9 eMac 10.3.9 G4733 10.4.7 and Mac SE 6.0.4

10.4: Fix PowerPC apps that fail to launch on Intel Macs

Do this:
1) Open Applications -> Utilities -> Activity Monitor
2) In the toolbar, select 'All Processes' on the drop-menu
3) In the toolbar, type in 'translated' in the search box
4) In the process list, you should see a process called 'translated' owned by the 'root' user.
5) Click on the 'translated' process
6) In the toolbar, click on the 'Quit Process' button
It will prompt you for your password (security and what not).
Once the process is killed, you should be able to open the non-launching PowerPC app (Word, Excel, Photoshop, etc).
Alternatively, I've gotten rid of this problem by removing the 3rd party System Prefs plugin Application Enhancer since I no longer use WindowShades and that fixes the problem for good.
Jean-Etienne LaVallee, owner of 'Straylight' [MBP 2Ghz/2GB]

10.4: Fix PowerPC apps that fail to launch on Intel Macs

Unfortunately remove APE improves, but does not fix the problem. See this thread (with a reply from the Unsanity guy): 10.4: Another fix for non-launching PowerPC apps on Intel

I've noticed this same issues but it is brand new to me. I just installed Logitech's Control Center software for my new MX Revolution mouse, and now am having issues with launching.

Hint does NOT work for me for MS Word v.X and 2004 on a MacBook Pro
Originally i had Office v.X.
Word & Power Point would crash on start with
Exception: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE (0x0002) at 0x00000000
So i installed Office v.2004. IIRC, the new versions seemed to start just fine after the install. Then they failed. This translate hint didn't work.
I thought i solved my problem by cleaning out the Font Book of all fonts that wouldn't validate. Since both versions of Office seemed happy, i ditched the 2004 version of Office.
Now Word is back to failing. Fonts are all happy. Translate hint still doesn't work. Removing ~/Library/Preferences/ doesn't work. (That's the only Word preference file.)
Powerpoint and Excel still work.
The only change i can think of, since the apparently successful migration from my iBook (and trouble free use of Excel for weeks, and i think Word was working....) was the installation of Parallels, then Win XP, then several GIS packages on the Win partition.
Thanks for letting me rant; hope this is sort of on topic at least.

How To Play Powerpc Games On Intel Macbook Pro

I to have been seeing this issue since the last security update. Before that I had this issue once, months ago and this tips worked.
Two hours ago I could open one Rosetta app, close it, open another, now I can't open any. I reboot will fix and apps will open fine for awhile, but then all of a sudden they won't open anymore.
Best wishes

10.4: Fix PowerPC apps that fail to launch on Intel Macs

Sounds like I can top everyone's list of applications that fail to launch or crash after launch: MS Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Quicken 2003, Acrobat 6 Professional. It's only just started to happen after running them successfullly for a few months on my Black MacBook.
Missing Sync has also started playing up but not sure if it's the same problem.
Appreciate any suggestions.

10.4: Fix PowerPC apps that fail to launch on Intel Macs

fixed the problem by reinstalling 10.4.8 didn't need to do a clean reinstall.
Took the option of creating a Previous System folder.

10.4: Fix PowerPC apps that fail to launch on Intel Macs

I was so excited to find this hint, as I have been struggling with the issue with Office apps and InDesign. To my dismay, the hint doesn't work for me. Only a restart will fix the issue, and of course, this is only temporary.
Does anyone have any other suggestions for a fix for this?

10.4: Fix PowerPC apps that fail to launch on Intel Macs
This worked for the application I am developing and seems to work for MS Office products as well.
10.4: Fix PowerPC apps that fail to launch on Intel Macs

I tried, but it didn't work on my Office v.X
Does anyone have further ideas?
Where is 'translate'?
(Apologies, I'm not as savvy as I wish I were.)

10.4: Fix PowerPC apps that fail to launch on Intel Macs

I also have this problem - all of office not working plus arobat and adobe applications. They also won't open on reboot so my computer is useless except for the internet. I have tried inputing the code in terminal but it hasn't worked. Can anyone help?